Join us at the Annual January Club Meeting that is also a banquet. We’ll have lots of cool stuff on the raffle tables, an election of officers, some really fine silent auction items and our auctioneer deluxe will cajole us all into spending way too much for a great cause.
This year the board decided to make this a cashless event by only offering Advanced Banquet Ticket Sales. A member can buy their tickets ( Banquet/Raffle/Drink) via this websites ‘Members/Purchase Page’ or mail the Banquet Form found in this months Fly Paper to our P.O. Box. See webpage footer for address. Order by January 10 and get 10 free raffle tickets. ( That’s because the caterer needs a plate count early so please help us on that one ).
Oh yes, and Gary Anderson, our Raffle Master, hopes that anyone donating items to the event, home crafted items, dinner parties, spare antiques, never used rods, extra flies or reels or anything else you think the club could raffle please bring them to the college ( Van Tassel Hall west end ) early early in the day on the 20th. Hopefully before 4:00 pm so Gary and his crew have a chance to take a short break prior to the banquet start. Also check with Dan Hammond our President who will have a list of donation drop off locations from Leavenworth to Wenatchee just call to organize prior. A lot of effort is required to get the raffle set up and the more time he has, the better.
See you there. And don’t tell anyone but if a members really needs to buy a few more raffle ticket we’ll have a roving ticket seller to accommodate you and just track down any board member and they could help you out. Try to go cashless and order early and often…… We want our Treasurer’s Crew to have some fun that night as well. Thanks for your understanding.
Bruce Merighi