We offer membership to all interested women and men with a passion for fly fishing.   Becoming  a member is very easy, but 501 c (3)  charitable organizations such as ours are required to vote on any new member.  After this formality –  your in.  Then just pay your annual dues of $35, for an adult single person or family members, or if applicant is between 14-18 a Youth Membership is only $20/based on the calendar year).  Yearly dues are due by April 1 each year.  PayPal and Credit Cards are accepted by our website, but you can also mail your dues.  See our address in the footer.

Membership benefits include monthly meetings (Sept. – May) featuring fly fishing presentations and other programs, single and multi-day club sponsored outings as well as conservation and educational activities.  If our organization is of interest to you, please complete and submit the application below.