If any member has an upcoming fishing trip they would like to share with other club members, or needs to fill a seat on a charter or guide trip or just wants company give our president a yell, go to the ‘About WVFF/Contact Us’ page and he’ll get that information out to the others so we can all have more fun fooling fish.

Georgrtown Lake Montana

Craig Garver Photographer

There was no such thing as a skinny fish in that lake.  It was rare to catch anything under 17″ and they all had weight and attitude problems.

Harry’s last float before the USS FedX arrived . . .

Another day looking for fatties 17-24 inch ‘bows at 6,000 ft.

Eric says, ‘Mhi  Preshusss’ 

Beehive Basics Day

On June 11 six club members and local fly fishers drove up to Beehive Reservoir.   There the club members worked with our new fly fishers and helped with casting tips, information about how to tie on and retrieve a fly and all the other little details that make fly fishing challenging for the new comer.   At last count, there were nine fish brolught to hand, or at least close enough to count, for most of the newcomers to fly fishing.   Everyone enjoyed the day.  Except for the wind… 

Big Twin Outing

Blue Lake Outing

Fish were healthy  and the water was gin clear but the level was lower than many have seen in years.

Access to the “Kiddie Pond’ was impossible unless you had a jet pack.  The low water exposed the mud flat that surrounds that body of water and to walk into it was to see mud up to your waist.  

April 9/10th Casting Clinic 

 Outing or Activity ?   Either way it’s something the club did that turned out well.  Even though the day was windy enough to triple mend your backcast, lots of folks had fun and even learned a few things.

Members from the Methow Valley Fly Club journeyed south to participate along with some of our fellow WVFF members and even nine people who were walking by and stopped in for a quick lesson by Gary, Dan and Bruce.  It was a fruitful club event that got 14 new people to sign up for the June 11th ‘Basics at Beehive’ outing and hopefully a few new members.

Unfortunately the planned 5:30 general meeting and hot dog burning never happened due to the less than lovely conditions.

For pictures and  all the details, click the link below to read the great Wenatchee World article that ran April 12th.

Quincy and Burk Lakes Outing

The sun was out. The wind was down. The members flocked to the outing.  The food was cooked to perfection. There were no ticks, rattlesnakes or other natural pests. BUT the fish were next to nonexistent.  We found out after setting up camp, that WDFW had delayed their spring stocking until after the outing and there was a significant fish kill due to the crazy hot summer in 2021.  

Oh well, it was great to be with fellow fly fishers for our first  ‘post pandemic’  get together.

QUINCY LAKE    Pre-Outing              Ice off  could happen any day now.  Wish for warm and sunny.

Quincy Lake



Blue Lake

Georgetown Lake

Heavy 24 inchers fell for damselfly nymphs & damsel dries, as well as micro leeches and when the sun went down, they preferred traveling sedge patterns.