Fly tyers are invited to reconvene at the Eagles. There is no agenda this time. Just bring your fly tying materials and tie whatever you want. Or, come and watch, socialize or have lunch. Lunch will be available for purchase.
Fly tying session at the Eagles. No agenda. Bring your tying equipment and materials or just come to watch and socialize. Lunch is available for purchase.
Besides members sharing 2024 fishing stories (anyone can talk/present) we're discussing three important topics that need your impute. 1 - Vote on board restructuring Bi-Law revisions. 2 - Voting on Conservation Grant fund awards. 3 - Discuss how the club might restructure it's meeting format. From 'business meeting w/presenter ' to fewer but 'more fun' events.
Fly tying session. We’re going to try a new venue for fly tying at the Riverside Pub (located at the bottom 5th St.) for the month of January (2nd & 4th Wednesdays for January because the 1st Wednesday falls on New Year’s Day). We’ll give the Pub a try to see if it works for […]